THE SPACE IN BETWEEN is a short film exploring the infinitesimal moment of crossing over from this life to the next.

We open to find our protagonist (Carson) who seemingly only just survived a crash on an alien planet. His lander (the Argo) is damaged beyond repair as is the radio. Determined to survive, but unable to contact his colleagues on Hope Station orbiting above, he decides to use the rover attached to the lander to reach a radio relay a few days away.

The journey is rough and slow going, but quickly turns from hard to deeply unsettling when the broken radio picks up transmissions from a strange yet somehow familiar voice reciting what sounds like poems. With attempts at contacting the voice failing, Carson begins to fear he's gone mad.

Losing all hope for survival, it eventually becomes clear who or what the voice really is: his soul. In that frail and hollow state, Carson gives ear to his soul and hears the words from W. B. Yeats and T. S. Eliot in a poetic calling to fearfully and wonderfully move on. Finally accepting the reality of his situation, he lets go of his former self, timidly hopeful in whatever awaits him in the next life.